报告题目:One-loop BCJ Numerators on Quadratic Propagators from the Worldsheet
报 告 人:张勇 博士 (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
We introduce a novel approach for deriving one-loop Bern-Carrasco-Johansson (BCJ) numerators and reveal the worldsheet origin of the one-loop double copy. Our work shows that expanding Cachazo-He-Yuan half-integrands into generalized Parke-Taylor factors intrinsically generates BCJ numerators on quadratic propagators satisfying Jacobi identities. We validate our methodology by successfully reproducing one-loop BCJ numerators for Non-Linear Sigma Model as well as those of pure Yang-Mills in four dimensions with all-plus or single-minus helicities.
张勇博士于2020 在中国科学院理论物理研究所取得博士学位。2020-2021年 在uppsala 大学从事博士后工作, 2021-至今在Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics从事博士后工作。